Challenges in broadcasting that Quickstream solves

What are the main challenges in broadcasting?

One of the central challenges that broadcasters face is the very high cost of specialized television equipment. What's worse, that cost is always paid in advance when the company assembles all of the devices required to start its broadcasting activity. This initial investment is necessary to begin signal distribution and create sufficiently engaging content for large entities such as cable TVs and digital platforms. Of course, the greater the reach of these channels, the higher the advertising revenue they can gather. What's more, television is full of internal standards and protocols which need to be followed by all parties involved. And to work on standards like ASI and SDI, you need dedicated equipment that encodes and decodes signals. It is produced by a limited number of companies and is quite expensive. Needless to say, the entry threshold to the broadcasting industry is quite high.
As we can see, broadcasting involves the possession and use of a large number of specialized equipment, which must also be correctly maintained to ensure its longevity and optimal performance for years to come. Servicing such devices is a demanding task and involves employing experienced and qualified personnel. A substantial amount of equipment also means hiring a lot of workers, which significantly raises the overall cost of employment. Broadcasting companies face a lot of capital expenditures like creating a studio, purchasing lights, cameras, decoders, etc. Of course, at the same time, there is no guarantee that they will be able to sign a deal with cable TV or a digital platform. On top of that, significant investments in broadcasting lead to arranging long-term contracts with service providers which offer not much flexibility. All these features of the broadcasting industry create a very high entry threshold for newcomers.

Learn more about Quickstream

At Quickstream, we have carefully analyzed the challenges that the broadcasting industry faces and developed our software in a way that deals with them accordingly. First and foremost, we wanted to remove the high cost of entering the market. That's why we've created an inexpensive, flexible, and straightforward solution. We've simplified the process of installation so anyone could perform it, thus eliminating the need to hire experienced specialists. Instead of weeks of arrangements with service providers, Quickstream can be implemented in just a few hours. What's more, our solution doesn't need any specialized hardware - it's software-based, so all it requires is a PC or a laptop. As a result, the cost of the whole operation becomes significantly lower.

Quickstream doesn't demand satellites, dedicated internet links, or encoders and decoders. All the processes needed for the TV signal transmission occur thanks to innovative software and require only access to the internet. We've also diversified the availability of our licenses. Customers can choose to purchase access for a chosen period of time and even buy a subscription to simply test out our solution. No starting fees, no hidden costs.
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